
What is the difference between rotary union and rotary joint?

A rotary union and a rotary joint are similar in that they both allow for the transfer of fluid or air between a stationary source and a rotating piece of equipment. The main difference between the two is in the application they are used for.

rotary union and a rotary joint

A rotary union is typically used in applications where the fluid or air being transferred is under pressure, and is used to transfer fluids such as water, steam, coolant, or air. They generally have a more complex structure with multiple seals and bearings to handle the pressure and movement.

A rotary joint, on the other hand, is used in applications where the fluid or air being transferred is not under pressure, and is typically used for transfer of low-pressure air, coolant, RF signal, or electrical power. They are simpler in structure, typically consisting of a single seal and bearing.

Both rotary unions and rotary joints are used in a variety of industries, including manufacturing, aerospace, and power generation. Rotary unions are commonly used in applications such as machine tools, paper mills, and wind turbines, while rotary joints are used in applications such as robotics, satellite dishes, and printing presses.

Famous rotary union companies include:

Famous rotary joint companies include:

Note that these are not the only companies that make swivel unions and swivel unions, and this list is not exhaustive nor in any particular order. It is also possible that companies specializing in swivel joints also produce swivel joints, the information is for reference only.

We have specialized in designing and producing RF rotary joints for many years. This has allowed us to offer a wide range of high-quality products, with custom specifications available on request. Please send email to: Sales@rotary-tek.com.